Vertical Style Roof - (Best)

Vertical Roof Style: This design is the most durable as well as the most traditional style of metal roof. Its vertically aligned panels allow for better water and debris shed. It’s construction with hat-channel and paneling on top make this the strongest roof style we offer.

Boxed Eave Style Roof - (Better)

Boxed Eave Roof Style units have a similar appearance to the vertical roof style at a lower cost. To do this the roof paneling is run from front to back, which means rain water and debris must travel over each rib to fall off the sides or travel to either end. Annual maintenance is required.

*NOTE: Buildings 36′ and longer have a high potential to leak, we require purchasing a vertical roof building for longer units.

Regular Style Roof - (Economy)

Regular Roof Style frame is the true original metal “carport” which was introduced over 24 years ago. Regular frames have 5 bends which gives the curved roof appearance. They are the most economical types of buildings. The roof paneling is ran from front to back, which means rain water and debris must travel over each rib to fall off the sides or travel to either end. Annual maintenance is required. 

*NOTE: Buildings 36′ and longer have a high potential to leak, we require purchasing a vertical roof building for longer units.