Metal RV Covers in Rock Wall, NM

Our pre-engineered galvanized steel framed structures are the perfect solution for covering your car, recreational vehicle, boat, farm equipment, or anything else that needs protection from harsh outdoor elements.

The expert team at Village Carports is here to help you create the perfect metal carport for your home or business! Our core values are built around substance, speed, and service, offering you the best quality products and professional craftsmanship. 

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Custom Metal RV Covers in Rock Wall, NM

Avoid costly RV repairs by protecting your RV with Village Carports’ custom metal RV covers. Check out our RV cover designs and financing options today!

Our pre-engineered galvanized steel framed structures are fully customizable to accommodate the needs of our customers. Our metal RV covers are built in-house with superior craftsmanship, so your recreational vehicle, camper, motorhome, or boat can stay safe in any weather.

Why Should You Cover Your RV?

Anyone who owns an RV knows that it’s more than just a vehicle, it’s a lifestyle. Recreational vehicles help you and your family create great adventures and memories together, so it’s vital that you find the best way to protect the longevity of your RV with a metal RV cover or carport.

It is important to know where and how to store your RV when you are not using it. There are expensive options like storing your RV in a rental facility off-season or there are cheap options like getting a fabric tarp that won’t truly protect it in inclement weather situations. 

That’s why custom metal RV covers are the most economical choice to adequately protect your RV from rain, ice, and snow. 

If you are not using your RV it should be covered. Here’s why: 

  • Harmful weather conditions like rain, snow, ice, and sleet leave an unprotected RV vulnerable to leaks– an RV roof leak can destroy interior parts of your RV and be pricey to repair. 
  • Since RV roofs are flat, rain or melted ice and snow will accumulate and sit stagnantly, leading to the potential for mildew growth or roof damage that needs repairs. 
  • When exposed to the sun, UV rays beat down on the surface of your RV’s roof– this sun damage can affect the paint, decals, sealants, or other components of your RV. 
  • When regularly sitting uncovered and open to nature’s elements, your RV’s paint, graphics, or trim may deteriorate, crack, or fade.
  • Dirt and other debris will often collect on the roof of your RV– not only can it be difficult to clean off, but if the rain gets to it before you do it will result in unsightly black streaking on the exterior of the RV. 

Village Carports' Metal RV Covers

You will park your camper, boat, or recreational vehicle with confidence underneath Village Carports’ custom RV metal cover. Our custom metal RV covers include double legs and double base rails for exceptional strength and support. This innovative design with dual leg posts, base rails, braces, and center-welded peak braces gives the metal RV cover the rigidity and strength needed to stand up to mother nature. 

The size of your RV will influence what size metal RV cover you will need. Our metal RV Covers range in size from 18′ wide up to 30′ wide. They come standard with 14′ legs, but you can customize to have the legs reach up to 16′ tall. 

RV Covers that are 24′ wide to 30′ wide and RV Covers with 15′ legs or taller will require the customer to provide a lift for installations. This allows us to reach heights our standard and triple-wide RV covers cannot. With a maximum leg height of 16? tall, you can feel confident your RV, motorhome, or camper will fit without a problem.

While we do not carry the classic style metal RV cover, we do have options in both A-framed and vertical roof metal structures that can be customized to your liking. 

Get the Best Deal for Your New Metal RV Cover

You decided it is finally time to invest in a metal RV cover to protect your RV, so it is only fair for you to get the most reliable, knowledgeable, and satisfaction-guaranteed option to protect your valued vehicle. 

Village Carports offers excellent support and craftsmanship– along with our metal and steel manufacturing expertise, we offer:   

  • Concrete or rebar anchors for the best stability for your structure. 
  • A 90-day workmanship warranty
  • Becker’s 20-year limited warranty on roofing materials.
  • Customizable options with 14 color choices.
  • Additional customizable features such as designs and material options and accessories.  
  • Virtual 3-D modeling allows you to see the floor plan and design before you buy, eliminating any problems down the road and ensuring that you receive exactly what you envisioned.

Choose Substance, Speed, and Service at Village Carports

Your RV has taken you on many expeditions already– it’s important to take the proper care needed to ensure you and your family will have many more adventures to come. 

At Village Carports we take pride in providing the best-quality customizable metal RV covers built to last. Substance, speed, and service are central to our entire process– from initial consultation, to design, build, and finish we oversee every single step of the process in building the best metal RV cover for your home or business.

Reach out to us today by calling  336-444-2828 or filling out the contact form!